Data Structure & Algorithms

Hey Guys, We are BitMaskers!

We are passionate about Front-end, Back-end, and Competitive programming. Participants and Top Qualifiers of many programming competitions like Google KickStart, Google CodeJam, etc.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive biweekly email and be a Master of Data Structures and Algorithms!

Starting from November 1.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who is it for?

    Anyone with the desire to learn or who can't make up time to learn to code. We are going to start fresh from Week 1. Cover the basic fundamentals and slowly move to advanced topics.

    We are here to help those who have less time or lack guidance when it comes to preparing for a coding interview. Learn it without getting overwhelmed.

    Invest 15 mins daily and get closer to landing a software development job.

    What to expect?

    This is not the most comprehensive course on data structure and algorithms. Our goal is to cram months of computer science and interview prep material into 8 weeks of email content.

    This is a great way to cover CS fundamentals even if you're not looking for a job. This is not a course but a study guide with resources and explanations to aid your effort.
    Our aim is to briefly explain the concept, test your knowledge, attach practice problems, and provide helpful resources on the topic.

    What if I already know the basics?

    That's Great! You may not find the first few emails useful but those emails can be helpful in solidifying the concepts you already know.